Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This is My February

Someone pointed out that I have not been giving my blog some (good, good) lovin. 

I suddenly remembered that yes, I do have a blog site! As usual, I blame work for hindering me from posting updates on my existence. Although, I don't think that a lot of people are really that interested in what I do on a regular basis. Except probably for the occasional stalker. And those who are genuinely interested are always kept in the loop and in the know of the goings-on in my life.

Speaking of goings-on, a lot has happened since I last posted something here. 

A good friend celebrated (not with wine, though) the impending arrival of the stork. After waiting for quite some time, her li'l bundle of joy is on her/his way. In about the same time that I learned about this good news, I received the shock of my life when an old friend told me about the sudden passing away of a friend who happened to be an org-mate when I was in college. He was not even in his thirties. :-(

Work has been very challenging. I had no other option but to rise to the challenge. Multiple tasks and roles have assigned to me. I would like to believe that I carried them out pretty well, albeit some frustrating moments. A lot of frustrating moments, in fact. I survived though. Relatively unscathed. What does not kill me makes me stronger. It was a very good learning experience, though and I am very grateful for the opportunity and the several pats on the back I received from people who mattered.

Speaking of people who matter... =)

What matters is not what I post here but what I tell you everyday. In a nutshell, though, 



  1. Hey! I am more than "the occasional" stalker"!!!

    And, yeah, I've been wondering if you still had any plans of updating your blog. Sayang man Fens. You'd be surprised at how many people loiter around your site. You should have a blog tracker so you'd find out.

    Miss you, my friend!

  2. Thanks, Shan for the vote of confidence. So timely since it's election time and all. :-D

    I used to have a suddenly stopped working.

    I miss you, too!
